MAIRAJ <p>The Mairaj is a biannual, peer reviewed open access journal focusses on Urdu and other Pakistani local and regional lanaguages. The unpublished research-based articles in the context of Urdu language &amp; literature and other Pakistani languages as well as Persian, Arabic, and Islamic Studies are included in Mairaj. Articles are sent to the experts for evaluation and opinion before publication. The Aim and Goal of Mairaj is to promote quality research in areas of Urdu and other Pakistani local &amp; regional languages. The major area of publication of Mairaj is to publish research work about Urdu classical text, manuscripts, and artifacts as well as modern critical thoughts, issues of language, linguistics, and quality research of poetry...</p> URDU LANGUAGE & LITERATURE RESEARCHARCH en-US MAIRAJ 2959-2070 Baloch Student’s Activism In Insurgency And State Response 2002-2015 <p>The paper&nbsp;&nbsp;is&nbsp;aimed to&nbsp;focus&nbsp;the&nbsp;student&nbsp;activism in&nbsp;Baluchistan politics.while&nbsp;considering Baloch Student Organization a nursery of Bloch leaders and the source of power for all&nbsp;political and&nbsp;militant groups, the paper argues that the intervention of nationalist political or militant groups&nbsp;and state in student activities with the passage of time has brought a notable shift in Baloch&nbsp;student politics (academic to strong/active political and militant).In this shift on the one&nbsp; and&nbsp;inconsistent&nbsp;political&nbsp;circumstancesand&nbsp;ethnonational&nbsp;base&nbsp;economic&nbsp;grievances,&nbsp;provide&nbsp;them&nbsp;a&nbsp;&nbsp;cause&nbsp;and&nbsp;on&nbsp;the&nbsp;other&nbsp;&nbsp;hand,&nbsp;the&nbsp;absence&nbsp;&nbsp;of&nbsp;&nbsp;true&nbsp;&nbsp;representative political parties,provided them space to flourish, while state did not like this attribute and reacted strongly In&nbsp;current scenario the electronic and social media have facilitated the activists in communicating and spreading their message to a larger audience with less effort and time. In short student&nbsp;along on-road politics are propagating and defending their cause on social media which has&nbsp;influenced the outcome a lot.</p> Sadia Masood Dr. Farhat Nasim Kanwal Noreen Muhammad Saad Arshad Copyright (c) 2024 MAIRAJ 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 3 1 72 84 10.58760/mairaj.v3i1.41 Greater Significance Of Human Security Approach In Policy And Practice In Pakistan: A Case Study Of COVID-19 Pandemic <p>Humanity is faced with the existential crisis of an unprecedented nature as the COVID-19 continues to devastate lives and livelihoods across the globe. Arguably, the pre-pandemic world was severely afflicted with numerous human insecurities. However, the pathogenic germ has created new human security problems and exacerbated the exiting human insecurities. In the current context, the biggest takeaway of the unfolding ‘the Great Disruption’, is the universal and dire need for human security -the protection against fear, want and indignity. Rooted in the classical liberal tradition underpinned by its analytical focus on the people, the concept of human security has assumed greater significance for public from America to Afghanistan. Through qualitative analysis based on secondary data, this paper seeks to analyse and underline the seminal significance of human security to be adopted by Pakistan in order to shield public against the non-traditional security threats and preserve state legitimacy challenged by ‘the Great Crisis’. The contagion was a global challenge calling for a global response within the framework of human security approach. The Corona-caused global crisis warrants ‘the Great Reset’ in the policies and priorities of Pakistan required to embrace and instrumentalise the human security paradigm that has emerged as an imperative rather than an option for the country.</p> Munawar Ali Mahar: Copyright (c) 2024 MAIRAJ 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 3 1 85 95 THE IMPACT OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE ON FEMALES’ ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AT TERTIARY LEVEL <p>This study examines the pervasive issue of sexual violence (SV) experienced by millions of women globally, with a focus on its profound impact on the academic performance of female university students. Through 10 in-depth interviews with survivors in Islamabad's public universities, data was collected using an online questionnaire. Drawing on feminist theory, the research underscores the societal construct of gender inequality affecting women's lives. Major themes identified include challenges in concentration, emotional distress from abuse, reporting difficulties, the need for university counseling, and the importance of institutional policies. Respondents expressed how SV hindered educational focus and caused discomfort, fear, absenteeism, and reduced academic participation. Recommendations stress the necessity for qualified counselors and proactive university policies to create a secure learning environment, emphasizing the crucial role of educational institutions in preventing and addressing sexual violence.</p> Nadeem Tariq: Azhar Mahmood Abbasi: Sidra Rehmat: Copyright (c) 2024 MAIRAJ 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 3 1 1 11 10.58760/mairaj.v3i1.27 Intellectuals, Scholars, Artists and Poets of the Period of King Jalauddin Akber (1556-1605) <p>Jalalluddin Akber was Mughal King of India during 1556-1605. During this long period of rule spread over half a century, the King patronized intellectuals, scholars, artists, and poets belonging to different religious groups. He equally patronized all of them and recognized their talent, capability and specialty without any discrimination.<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> &nbsp;This is because of his Majesty’s belief that they are “the ornament of the world”. These were divided into five categories: i) Those who were very close to the King and were often invited to the Durbar Allama Abul Fazl, <em>Ain-i-Akbari</em>, translated from Persian to Urdu by Maulvi Mohammad Fida Ali Vol. I, Lahore, Sange Meel Publications, 2007, p. 499. Abul Fazl Allami, <em>The Ain-i-Akbari</em>, translated from the original Persian by H.Blochmann, and revised&nbsp; by Lt.Col. D.C.Phillott,Lahore, Sang-e-Meel Publications,&nbsp;</p> Dr. Kishwar Sultana Copyright (c) 2024 MAIRAJ 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 3 1 12 22 The Impact Of Psychological Contract Breach On Employee Engagement And Innovative Work Behavior With Moderating Role Of Resilience. <p>The current researches examine an impact of psychological contract breach on employee engagement and innovative work behavior, with an emphasis on moderating impact of resilience. PCB is understood as the violation of an understood contract between the employee and employer, PCB is theorized to negative impact on employee engagement and the innovative work behavior of an employee. Drawing on a segment of faculty from Higher education of Pakistan, SEM is used in this study to analyze the relationships among PCB, EE and IWB. In this study Resilience have a moderating impact which buffer the negative effects of psychological contract breach on the other variables. Results of this study show that the impact of psychological contract breach on employee engagement and innovative work behavior are significantly negative. Although, when there is presence of resilience in employees it moderates the adverse effects and neutralize the negative impact, emphasizing the significance of resilience in retaining engagement and also fostering innovation in organization in spite of PCB. This study increases the understanding of exactly how PCB impact workplace results and pressures the significance of resilience in improving worker performance.</p> Talha Professor Dr. Nadeem Talib Dr. Hina Shahab Copyright (c) 2024 MAIRAJ 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 3 1 23 33 10.58760/mairaj.v3i1.33 A Review Of The Novel And Its Criticism In Europe <p>There is an ancient tradition of the novel genre in Europe. If this tradition of the novel is studied in depth, it is known that there have been different trends of the novel genre in every era. The prominent novelists of each trend have been very creative in this genre. Achievements have been made. The prominent trends in novel writing in Europe include moral, romantic, realistic and symbolic novels. In this development of the novel, the critics of the novel have undoubtedly played an important role. In which Henry James, FR Lewis, Caudwell, EM Foster and James Joyce stand out.</p> Dr. Snobar Altaf Copyright (c) 2024 MAIRAJ 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 3 1 34 39 10.58760/mairaj.v3i1.36 A comparitive Study Of Emotional Intelligence, Self Esteem And Perceived Stress Among Smokers And Non Smokers <p>The currentexploration was aim toward explore the difference between emotional intelligence, self-esteem and stress among smokers and non-smokers. Purposive sampling technique (define) is used in the research for collecting data. For the present research sample&nbsp;&nbsp; of 250 was taken i.e. (N=125 smokers) and (N=125 nonsmokers) was taken from two different cites universities and colleges with age range 19-25 years. Scale of emotional intelligence, Rosenberg self-esteem and Perceived stress scalewas utilized as evaluation measure. T-test was performed to find out difference on smokers and non-smokers. Pearson product moment correlation was performed to find out correlation in self-esteem, emotional intelligence and stress among smokers and non-smokers.The results revealed that there was major difference between emotional intelligence, self-esteem and stress among smokers and non-smokers and that there is high level of emotional intelligence and self-esteem among non-smokers then smokers and high level of perceived smokers then nonsmokers.</p> AnamAkhtar Iman Fatima Copyright (c) 2024 MAIRAJ 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 3 1 40 45 10.58760/mairaj.v3i1.37 CYBER SECURITY GOVERNANCE; IMPLICATIONS FOR PAKISTAN’S NATIONAL SECURITY <p>Networks for information and communication technologies form the backbone of the global cyberspace. These networks operate across physical borders and hold vital data and information that is essential to the national security of any nation. In the modern digital sphere, these networks are frequently vulnerable to cyber threats and attacks. One of the most important security concerns in the modern world is cyber warfare, which is a term coined to describe this conundrum. In response, the nations are making significant investments to fortify the security of their cyber frontiers and to assemble a formidable cyber force to defend their cyberspace. Similarly, Pakistan's national security is under grave threat from the ongoingcyber frontiersThis article seeks to elucidate Pakistan's current cyber challenges as well as the steps that country should take to counteract sophisticated cyber security threats. In order to protect Pakistan's national security, this article will also highlight the creation of a framework and governance mechanism for cyber security along with suggested courses of action that are in line with the country's cyber policy.</p> Muhammad Umar Farooq Baloch Copyright (c) 2024 MAIRAJ 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 3 1 46 54 10.58760/mairaj.v3i1.38 The Concept Of E-Governance: Classifications, Challenges & Remidies For Pakistan <p>The concept of electronic governance has a regime for their citizen at their door step is known as E-Governance. It is e-commerce equipment which means online presence of government services that not only make data system transparent but also save resources of the state as well. The tools and the procedures used in e-governance venture provide a roadmap for proficient distribution of services at the very door step of each individual. The increasing demand of e-governance and rapidly growing size of data, new-fangled technologies like open source software and network oriented services that makes information open from multiple electronic technologies by connecting it to an account &nbsp;also known as cloud computing need to be integrated. However, this article argues that e-governance has made the government function more effective and clearer as crystal to its citizens also plays vital role in the effective performance of institutions, thus, the need to understand as how this system works and what are the expectations of public that can make e-governance mechanism fruitful. The paper also will manifest ample list of e-governance projects currently running in Pakistan and provides an apparatus for refining e-governance system with the help of technologies as tools.</p> Rafia Ashar Copyright (c) 2024 MAIRAJ 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 3 1 55 66 10.58760/mairaj.v3i1.39 An inside image of Iqbal: In the eyes of Salim Ahmad <p>Saleem Ahmed is a renown Urdu critic, along with this he has also written creative criticism. In his books: Iqbal, ak Shair, gained great fame. In this, he saw Iqbal in a different way and raised criticism and made various kinds of objections on Iqbal’s poetry and thought. This article is the study and answer of such kind of objections which He has made on the poetry and thought of Iqbal.</p> Dr. Abdul Wajid Copyright (c) 2024 MAIRAJ 2024-06-07 2024-06-07 3 1 67 71 10.58760/mairaj.v3i1.40