Baloch Student’s Activism In Insurgency And State Response 2002-2015


  • Sadia Masood
  • Dr. Farhat Nasim
  • Kanwal Noreen
  • Muhammad Saad Arshad



Baloch Student Organization,, Student Politics,, Ethnic Identity., Nationalism,, Insurgency,


The paper  is aimed to focus the student activism in Baluchistan politics.while considering Baloch Student Organization a nursery of Bloch leaders and the source of power for all political and militant groups, the paper argues that the intervention of nationalist political or militant groups and state in student activities with the passage of time has brought a notable shift in Baloch student politics (academic to strong/active political and militant).In this shift on the one  and inconsistent political circumstancesand ethnonational base economic grievances, provide them a  cause and on the other  hand, the absence  of  true  representative political parties,provided them space to flourish, while state did not like this attribute and reacted strongly In current scenario the electronic and social media have facilitated the activists in communicating and spreading their message to a larger audience with less effort and time. In short student along on-road politics are propagating and defending their cause on social media which has influenced the outcome a lot.



How to Cite

Sadia Masood, Dr. Farhat Nasim, Kanwal Noreen, & Muhammad Saad Arshad. (2024). Baloch Student’s Activism In Insurgency And State Response 2002-2015. MAIRAJ, 3(1), 72–84.