A Review Of The Novel And Its Criticism In Europe


  • Dr. Snobar Altaf




Novel, Novel Critics, Romanticism, Realism, Criticism


There is an ancient tradition of the novel genre in Europe. If this tradition of the novel is studied in depth, it is known that there have been different trends of the novel genre in every era. The prominent novelists of each trend have been very creative in this genre. Achievements have been made. The prominent trends in novel writing in Europe include moral, romantic, realistic and symbolic novels. In this development of the novel, the critics of the novel have undoubtedly played an important role. In which Henry James, FR Lewis, Caudwell, EM Foster and James Joyce stand out.



How to Cite

Dr. Snobar Altaf. (2024). A Review Of The Novel And Its Criticism In Europe. MAIRAJ, 3(1), 34–39. https://doi.org/10.58760/mairaj.v3i1.36