The Impact Of Psychological Contract Breach On Employee Engagement And Innovative Work Behavior With Moderating Role Of Resilience.


  • Talha
  • Professor Dr. Nadeem Talib
  • Dr. Hina Shahab



Psychological Contract Breach, Innovative Work Behavior, Employee Engagement, negative impact


The current researches examine an impact of psychological contract breach on employee engagement and innovative work behavior, with an emphasis on moderating impact of resilience. PCB is understood as the violation of an understood contract between the employee and employer, PCB is theorized to negative impact on employee engagement and the innovative work behavior of an employee. Drawing on a segment of faculty from Higher education of Pakistan, SEM is used in this study to analyze the relationships among PCB, EE and IWB. In this study Resilience have a moderating impact which buffer the negative effects of psychological contract breach on the other variables. Results of this study show that the impact of psychological contract breach on employee engagement and innovative work behavior are significantly negative. Although, when there is presence of resilience in employees it moderates the adverse effects and neutralize the negative impact, emphasizing the significance of resilience in retaining engagement and also fostering innovation in organization in spite of PCB. This study increases the understanding of exactly how PCB impact workplace results and pressures the significance of resilience in improving worker performance.



How to Cite

Talha, Professor Dr. Nadeem Talib, & Dr. Hina Shahab. (2024). The Impact Of Psychological Contract Breach On Employee Engagement And Innovative Work Behavior With Moderating Role Of Resilience . MAIRAJ, 3(1), 23–33.