Intellectuals, Scholars, Artists and Poets of the Period of King Jalauddin Akber (1556-1605)


  • Dr. Kishwar Sultana


darbar, jalalluddin, mughal king, intellectuals, allama abul fazl ain-i-akbari


Jalalluddin Akber was Mughal King of India during 1556-1605. During this long period of rule spread over half a century, the King patronized intellectuals, scholars, artists, and poets belonging to different religious groups. He equally patronized all of them and recognized their talent, capability and specialty without any discrimination.[1]  This is because of his Majesty’s belief that they are “the ornament of the world”. These were divided into five categories: i) Those who were very close to the King and were often invited to the Durbar Allama Abul Fazl, Ain-i-Akbari, translated from Persian to Urdu by Maulvi Mohammad Fida Ali Vol. I, Lahore, Sange Meel Publications, 2007, p. 499. Abul Fazl Allami, The Ain-i-Akbari, translated from the original Persian by H.Blochmann, and revised  by Lt.Col. D.C.Phillott,Lahore, Sang-e-Meel Publications, 



How to Cite

Sultana, D. K. (2024). Intellectuals, Scholars, Artists and Poets of the Period of King Jalauddin Akber (1556-1605). MAIRAJ, 3(1), 12–22. Retrieved from