Federation And Federating Units: A Comparative Analysis Of Pakistan's Neighboring Federal Entities


  • Azhar Mahmood Abbasi




Federating Units, India, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Ethnic Conflict, New Provinces


The broad spectrum of ethnic, administrative, and political problems drives the demand for the creation of new federating units in various countries, particularly Pakistan. Moreover, the neighboring countries of Pakistan had witnessed the re-demarcation of states or provinces on distinct grounds and formed major or minor new federating units several times. However, Pakistan has failed to create any new province on any ground due to its complicated constitutional procedures, unstable political structure, as well as steal power politics. Furthermore, neighboring countries like India have created fifteen new states compared to its thirteen states in 1947. Currently, India has twenty-eight states and eight union territories. Similarly, the other neighboring countries like Iran, have thirty-one provinces and five unions, Afghanistan has thirty-four provinces (Wilayat) and China has thirty-one provinces and five autonomous regimes. Therefore, this present study intends to explore a comparative study of neighboring countries of Pakistan, about the creation of new provinces and thus present the key factors that why Pakistan failed to create any new province on any ground.



How to Cite

Azhar Mahmood Abbasi. (2023). Federation And Federating Units: A Comparative Analysis Of Pakistan’s Neighboring Federal Entities. MAIRAJ, 2(2), 17–25. https://doi.org/10.58760/mairaj.v2i2.24